Syberia Steam CD Key
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Kate Walker, a young ambitious lawyer from New York, is handed what seems a fairly straight forward assignment - a quick stopover to handle the sale of an old automaton factory hidden in the alpine valleys, then straight back home to the US.
Little did she imagine when embarking on this task that her life would be turned upside down. On her expedition across Europe, traveling from Western Europe to the far reaches of Eastern Russia, she encounters a host of incredible characters and locations in her attempt to track down Hans, the genius inventor - the final key to unlock the mystery of Syberia. Her voyage across land and time throws all she values into question, while the deal she sets out to sign turns into a pact with destiny.
Key Features:
- A gripping script that goes beyond your imagination.
- Rich and intriguing characters with detailed and realistic 3D environments.
- Film-like camera angles, movements and framing.
- Original and creative puzzles (completely integrated into the scenario).
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